2024 Topics

  • January: Thelos Purpose
  • February: Being Human
  • March: Energy
  • April: Energy Nodes
  • May: The materia
  • June: Our Planet
  • July: Species
  • August: Biology
  • September: Mind - Ego
  • October: The System
  • November: Energy Sovereignty - Human Identity
  • December: 2025 Thelos Purpose

To leverage all Thelos activities the most important requirement is your engagement with yourself, all activities are designed to empower you to expand your energy sovereignty.

From the reflections of our Master Class and the inner exploration in Thelos Link to the hands-on applications in our Workshop series and Bionergetic Updates, each stage serves as a step to your Human Identity.
Master Class
The Master Class is FREE and takes place on the FIRST DAY of every month, featuring pre-recorded sessions.
Thelos Link

Thelos Link is a FREE and live session, dedicated to exploring and delving deeper into the theme of the month.

→ March 11th

→ April 08th

→ May 06th

→ June 03th

→ July 08th

→ August 05th

→ September 22th

→ October 07th

→ November 04th

→ December 02th

This hands-on workshop offers a practical environment where you can apply, practice, and refine all insights gained in the Master Class and Thelos Link sessions.

→ March 18th

→ April 15th

→ May 13th

→ June 10th

→ July 15th

→ August 12th

→ September 29th

→ October 14th

→ November 11th

Bioenergetic Update

The BioEnergetic Update in a few words, it consists of focusing our attention and consciously observing our biology, managing to mobilize the organism's energy, and updating the set of metabolic operations; and cellular processes through the complex chemical reactions that generate and use energy.

→ April 27th

→ July 06th

→ October 19th

→ December 07th

Identifying and Reconnecting Energetic Nodes
Inside and outside our biological body there are energy centers that we call "Energetic Nodes", which are integrated and interconnected energy structures that generate, concentrate, store, enhance, produce and regulate our energy. Our energy works with complex structures of different magnitudes and organic components, from subatomic structures to cellular ones, tissues, organs and systems. Through the Identification and Reconnection of Nodes, we achieve their harmonious and optimal interconnection.