Primary, Systemic and
Advanced BioRecalibration Therapy

In BioRecalibration, disease is nothing more than a biological imbalance to be corrected. This is why in BioRecalibration we treat people by activating all the self-regulation mechanisms that allow the patient to self-heal, returning to the body's natural homeostasis.

The therapy is applied by the BioRecalibrator Therapist through remote sessions (except in very specific cases, personally) of 45 minutes each, in a specific number of BioRecalibration sessions established according to the therapeutic requirements of the patient.

BioRecalibration Therapeutical effects

With more than 20 years applying this therapeutic care, we have verified that the health benefits of patients treated with BioRecalibration Therapy are wide-ranging and at different levels that range, among others, from micro levels such as the cellular level to macro levels such as those of the subsystems, organs and components of the 13 main systems of the body, in a wide variety of pathologies and physiological recovery needs:

  • Redirects and optimizes cellular response (e.g. adhesion, cell communication, morphogenesis, cell growth and differentiation);
  • Drainage of toxins; improves the response in each type of tissue, organ and physiological systems, allowing analgesia, reduction of inflammation, regeneration and tissue recovery;
  • Improves the metabolic response (processes of absorption, transformation and delivery of energy in physiological systems, anabolic and catabolic metabolism, biochemical reactions and physicochemical processes);
  • Optimizes performance in: Microstructures, Organs, Subsystems, Systems and intersystem operational synergy;
  • Activates regeneration and reconstruction mechanisms at different levels of the body, BioRecalibrating various infectious, degenerative, autoimmune processes, among others.

BioRecalibration Therapeutic Care

The interested party can request various types of therapeutic care that will depend on the situation of the person who requires the BioRecalibration service.

Types of BioRecalibration:
  • Primary (Basic) BioRecalibration: Especially recommended for mild health situations; It consists of three 45-minute therapeutic sessions, remotely, aimed at Calibrating, Detoxifying, Recalibrating and Revitalizing the patient, without working on the 13 systems of the patient's body.
  • Systemic BioRecalibration: In this case, the attention will focus on carrying out the BioRecalibration of the assisted person or patient through each of their 13 main physiological systems, organs, tissues and physiological processes and in response to the pathology or pathologies and level of requirement to be attended to.
  • Advanced BioRecalibration: This therapy consists of an advanced care scheme at different levels of work with the DNA and the Genome, that is, the genetic information of the patient or assisted person and during variable time cycles that will depend on the therapeutic treatment and the orientation of our equipment.

How to request a BioRecalibration

After the Treatment has begun, communication will be maintained with the staff at all times until the BioRecalibration treatment determined for the patient is completed.

  • Investment: 65 USD.

The interested patient in BioRecalibration treatment must: Fill out the form on the "Request" button.