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Tools for the

Human Desing

What is BioRecalibration?

BioRecalibration (BioR) is a therapeutic proposal applied remotely, where, ​through various care schemes and Systemic Re-calibration processes ​(detection and analysis of the frequency performance of the body's biological ​systems and organs), healthy and unhealthy energetic performance is ​identified to "instruct" the biological correction, leading to the healing of the ​patient.

BioRecalibration applied to the Human Body

Energy flows through our cells, tissues and organs. It is expressed through ​specific waves and frequencies and, when they are altered by interference ​caused, for example, by contact with microorganisms, toxic products, an ​incorrect and nutrient-deficient diet or by a high level of stress, they ​unbalance the body's homeostasis or self-regulation capacity, which can lead ​to the appearance of diseases.

Through BioRecalibration, the healer or BioRecalibrator harmonizes the ​patient's organic functions by applying low intensity and variable frequency ​bioelectromagnetism to the electromagnetic fields and wave magnitudes of ​the body and its components at their different levels of organization (macro ​systems, microsystems, organs, tissues, cells), allowing regeneration, ​rehabilitation, harmonization and restoration of balance in the functioning of ​the body.

Thus, the BioRecalibrator develops the inherent faculties and activates the ​BioRecalibration as a biological “emitter” of the same energetic and biological ​coding as the “receiver” of the BioRecalibration (understood as the receiver to ​be the patient or assisted person under a situation of illness or physiological ​imbalance).

This therapeutic proposal does not treat diseases, it treats people by ​activating the self-regulation forces that allow the elimination of toxins, ​pathogenic organisms, diseases, disorders and health problems, seeking self-​healing and not just the elimination of symptoms or the rectification of ​pathologies.

Some of the immediate effects of BioRecalibration:

Redirection and optimization of the response of tissues, organs and ​systems.

Improves and normalizes metabolic processes and vital functions at all ​levels (from histological -cellular- to systemic).

Supports the processes of cellular respiration and nutrition from the ​blood tissue and circulatory system, optimizing the performance of all ​tissues in the body.

Activates the drainage of toxins in the tissues, influencing analgesia ​and inflammation. Activates the mechanisms of tissue regeneration ​and reconstruction.

It normalizes infectious, degenerative and autoimmune processes, ​among others.


At THELOS, the team of ​BioRecalibrators is made up ​of multidisciplinary ​professionals who have ​graduated from our training in ​Systemic BioRecalibration.

Request for assistance with ​BioRecalibrators:

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Do you want to train as a BioRecalibrator?


BioRecalibration: Propedeutic (BioR.Prop) Theory/Practice

Primary BioRecalibration (BioR.P)

Theory Introduction/Primary BioR Practices

Systemic BioRecalibration (BioR.S)

Systemic Physiology and Function in BioR.S. Therapeutic Protocols and ​Surgical Care Scheme in BioR.S.

Advanced BioRecalibration (BioR.A)

Quantum Biology and Microbiology. Genetics and Alternative ​Therapies.

More information:

Application for training: Registration Form

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